
中考英语作文Asking the Way问路500字作文

发布日期:2015年08月12日 来源:看作文网
第1篇 中考英语作文Asking the Way问路500字




Asking the Way

Mrs. Green: Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the museum?

Policeman: Certainly. Just go up this street and turn left at the second crossing. The third building from the corner is the museum. You can’t miss it.

Mrs. Green: Oh, let me see. Go down this street, turn left at the second crossing. and the museum is the third building from the corner. Am I right?

Policeman: Yes, that’s right.

Mrs. Green: Thank you very much. Bye-bye.

Policeman: You are welcome. Bye-bye.

第2篇 中国跳水队500字


(Diving into Gold: China's Dream Team)

For China's diving team, nothing speaks louder of their "dream team”. China has unquestioned domination in diving. The Chinese diving team claimed five golds at 2000 Sydney Olympics and further took a record six at 2004 Athens Olympics, contributing more Olympic golds for China than other Chinese teams.

 They have full confidence in the Beijing Olympics, Some of players are quite young, and they may be nervous to compete at home, they must be more physically and mentally strong."

 With "Diving Queen" Guo Jingjing and Olympic gold winner Wu Minxia, China has almost secured the golds in the women's three-meter springboard, both individual and synchronized. However, they also have a weak point in the men's 10-meter platform.

 Anyway, we are ready to celebrate that Chinese Dream Team to get all 8 gold medals, aren’t we?

第3篇 中考英语作文范文我的英语老师500字

My English Teacher

Miss Wang is my English teacher. She is very young and beautiful. She is tall and she looks like a model, She is always happy every day, just like a child, I like her very much, because she acts in every lesson and we have an interesting class every day.

One day, we learned a lesson called "Try it on"It was about Professor Barfin, who bought a hat from Mexico and let Sandy try it on. the teacher asked me to play the role of Sandy. But I didn't have a Mexican hat. Just when I was hesitating, Miss Wang put a big paper bag on my head and said, "Try it on!" I suddenly cried, "I can't see anything!" As a result, I learned the sentence and remember it very well.




第4篇 专业女性歧视问题500字

Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students to study in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowhere in the world has the issue of female rights and interests been so much debated as in our society. Nowadays, plenty of universities limit the number of female students who study in some of subjects; therefore, many people think universities should accept equal numbers of men and female study in every subject, but others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I think men and women should gain equal educational opportunities, but accepting equal numbers of male and female, in every subject, is unnecessary and impossible. Therefore, I disagree with the view that universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. My argument in support of my view is as follows.

The main reason is that mode of thinking is different between female and male. Everyone, male and female, has equal right to study in universities, nevertheless, due to difference of in thought and views. Men and Women may represent varied study capability. A case in point is that men may possess more talent than women in mathematics, physics and like stuff. In the study of language, on the other hand, female shows stronger ability than male. In the history of human beings, most scientists, especially those who research abstract theories, are male.

Another reason is that nature decides different directions of development between men and women. Today, although female's right is being increased, female still plays a different social role. Women are by nature good at housekeeping since the biological function of a woman is first to bring children into the world and then to bring them up and it has been proved by some scientists that women are not good at business management, political administration, etc. So, in the study of business and management, requiring equal numbers of male and female is not essential.

From what has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusion that accepting equal numbers of male and female students in every subject is impossible and I also disagree with this point of view.

第5篇 中考英语作文范文 关于指路的500字

( 2002 年福州市)根据中文提示和英文提示词语,写一篇意思连贯、符合逻辑的短文。所给英文提示词语必须都用上。词数 60 - 70 左右。

( 1 )昨天晚上我和妈妈出去散步。( 2 )在路上我们遇见了一个外国人。( 3 )他向我询问如何去温泉饭店。( 4 )我告诉他沿路往前走,在第三个转弯处向左拐就能看见饭店。( 5 )他非常感谢我,我也为能帮他而高兴。

提示词语: go out for a walk , on the road , the way to , walk along , on the left , thank for , be happy that .

Yesterday evening , I went out for a walk with my mother . On the road , we met a foreigner . He asked me the way to the Hot Spring Hotel . I told him to walk along the road and take the third turning on the left , then he could see the hotel . He thanked me very much for my help . I was happy thatI could help him .

第6篇 中考英语作文范文 “问路”500字



Asking the Way

Mrs. Green: Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the museum?

Policeman: Certainly. Just go up this street and turn left at the second crossing. The third building from the corner is the museum. You can’t miss it.

Mrs. Green: Oh, let me see. Go down this street, turn left at the second crossing. and the museum is the third building from the corner. Am I right?

Policeman: Yes, that’s right.

Mrs. Green: Thank you very much. Bye-bye.

Policeman: You are welcome. Bye-bye.

第7篇 关于网络问题500字

Good morning, class !(同学们,上午好!)

Today , I’ll talk about going online.(今天,我将谈谈上网的问题)

We know that there are too many net-bars(网吧) around us .(我们知道我们的身边有很多的网吧)The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable.(网络能使我们的生活令人愉快而富有情趣。) Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer and get more information from the Internet.我们中有许多人因为我们能学会怎样使用电脑从而从网络中得到更多的信息而喜欢上网。) We can learn English .(我们能学英语) We can read some good newspapers and magazniess.(我们能阅读到一些好的报纸和杂志) It can make us clever in playing computer games.(在玩电脑游戏时,它能便我们聪明) I can send e-mail to our friends quickly.(我能很快得给我朋友发e-妹儿) We can chatonline with our friends.(我们能和我们的朋友在网上聊天) It can help us get in touch with(取得联系) people from all over the world.(这能帮助我们和全世界的人们取得联系) But some students spend too much time in playing computer games and some stay in the net bars all day and all night. (但有一些学生在玩电脑游戏时花费了太多的时间;还有一些学生整天整夜地待在网吧里)As a result, they do worse and worse in their lessons and they don’t study well any more.(由于这个原因,他们的功课越来越差,他们也不再好好学习了) I think we mustn’t go online when it is time for us to study.我认为当我们学习的时间,我们是被禁止上网的) We can do it in summer or winter holidays.(我们能在暑假或寒假去上网.)

第8篇 中考英语作文范文 人口问题 (一)500字

Almost every country in the world faced the population problem.China has the largest population, so the one-child policy was necessay. In America, there were 2 billion people 20 years ago, now there were 3 billion. Some day they will have the same amount people as we had in china, will they apply our population control policy? Anyway we could be sure they will not critize our population policy at that time.

第9篇 中考英语作文范文 网上英语聊天500字

Chat in English on the Internet-网上英语聊天


I am GREatly interested in chatting on the net, especially in English. I still remembered the first time when I logged on the Legend web site and met a girl called "Orange" . We chatted about some interesting topics. I think I can practice my English well this way.

第10篇 中考英语作文范文 人口问题 (二)500字

人口问题(The Problems of Large Population)

It is reported that the world’s population was 6 billion in the year 2,000, and it is growing faster and faster. The world’s population problem is the greatest one because it brings lots of problems, such as water resources problem, more and more people losing their jobs and so on. These problems are mainly in the developing countries because the population of the developing countries is over 4/ 5 of the world’s popuation. So China, the largest developing country, has kept the policy “one couple, one child.”

第11篇 灾区学生慰问信500字






参考词汇:捐款 make a donation to


Dear friends,

I'm awfully sorry to hear that a horrible and severe earthquake unexpectedly hit your hometown. Faced with such a rarely-seen disaster, you remain so calm and strong-willed that we are all moved to tears. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Thinking about your present situation, we can not wait a minute to make every bit of our effort to help you. I, as the chairman of student union, on behalf of all my schoolmates, express our most sincere pity and care for you. Besides, we make a donation of 120 thousand yuan to you, expecting that it can help you go through the difficulty. A better hometown can be rebuilt. Therefore, never give up whatever happens. Remember we won't be far away when you need any help!

Yours Sincerely,

Li Hua


三国演义 读后感400字